It’s a fair question! Unfortunately, not all manufacturers offer net pricing so they can protect their bottom line. Some may offer no special pricing, or only discount products to a certain point so they can route cost savings through rebates instead. This method blocks the “market”—or the businesses buying their products—from knowing just how low manufacturer prices can go.
Other manufacturers choose to track the rebates that businesses redeem to compare against price deviations from distributors in order to maintain price control. To put it simply, when rebates are filed, it gives the manufacturer an exact account of how much a buyer purchased against what the distributor actually sold, ensuring that no significant discounts are being offered to ineligible customers.
Traditionally, yes—especially for the small businesses who could use them the most! Enterprise-level restaurant groups could have members of their team match rebates to the products their restaurants use frequently, but that’s just not a reality for a majority of restaurant owners.
A restaurant will make a large order, then have to look up each individual item’s manufacturer and see if purchased items are eligible for a discount. Then, proof of purchase must be submitted, along with invoice line-item details, in a timely manner in order to redeem the rebate.